at my new site, powered by
I have closed this blog to comments.
All new posts are on the new blog:
I would love you to visit me there!
However, I have made the decision to keep this blog as is! It is my first blog and will always be in my heart, because the words reflect who I was and to a great deal who I still am. . .)
I have to share that one reason I left blogger for future posts is merely that with our own domain we currently have to choose between using the www. with our URL or leaving it off, you cannot do both. Of course, although I used to not type in the www when it was on blogger as a .blogspot blog, I have typed it EVERY time since I took my own domain on my poetry blog. It drove me crazy.
There is also the point of being in total control of my own blogs -though, already a slight pain!
I have been told I can do a lot with, but Blogger has really made a lot of progress in what it offers us in the past few months. Also, some things are actually easier to do on Blogger, like being able to put your HTML in on the compose screen. A few months ago I created a blog, I really still believe, for a beginner or someone who doesn't need to go crazy, Blogger is better.
There are several really helpful sites for those just beginning Blogger. I relied a lot on:
- Dummies Guide to Google Blogger, which was formerly Beta Blogger for Dummies. His site is full of information and links to information!
- Blogging Basics 101. It includes basic information I wish I had found much sooner! For that matter, a lot of the information is beyond basic.