
Link-Love is alive and well.

Does it seem to y'all that sometimes there are just too many things you want to do, I mean REALLY, really, really want to d? (No, that was NOT overkill, all that really stuff, it was actually an understatement when compared with what I really want to do on a daily basis, but don't.)

Now some people, like Shelly Kneupper Tucker over at This Eclectic Life, seem to just have it together and are organized enough to get things done. Shelly started Link-Love for Thursday Thirteen days recently, even took the time to write instructions to add it to ours, but I am so impatient and so frustrated at this point with trying to learn CSS, html, and stop my lifelong procrastination in my tracks, I realized that I can't --at this moment-- do Link-Love as thoroughly as she does, not during NaPoWriMo month, not as disorganized as I am, not trying to start doing housework more and culling out junk since we want to sell our house sooner than later, not since I am a major procrastinator by nature and quite skilled at it by practice.

Even this post is a week later than planned. Pathetic! I already do much of what she suggests for Link-Love, I search other posts and archives and try to comment as much as possible on more than just Thursday Thirteen (or Photo Hunt or Wordless Wednesday). I often read "About Me", I am, after all a curious person, but remembering to take notes and make links every Thursday is a skill I am working on.

So, y'all check out This Eclectic Life, all of it, and be sure to click on Link-Love at the top, and join in! I will be there soon, just lagging a little behind you, hopefully not so much I can't catch up, but I haven't even gotten a blog roll started at all. . . .


Anonymous said...

Thank you for mentioning me in the post (and I'm not all that organized, by the way). I tagged you for the Thinking Blogger meme through meeaugraphie, but I don't know if it fits into that. I don't know if you have time to name five posts that thrill you! But, I do consider you a thinking blogger. At least you make ME think, and that can be a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on receiving the thinking blog award. :)

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Thanks, Rose, it was a surprise!