
Today is the day

either I commit to making the room I cleared out an office to do the business end of writing or I just continue to play. Actually, the commitment has been made, it is the procrastination and the fun in both participating and watching words fall on the page into (sometimes) cohesive thoughts that has been the hold up. I get lost in the magic of words appearing from nowhere, in spite of knowing that nowhere is actually somewhere in my subconscious. That does not absolve me from the need to edit many of those words, but it does feel like the magic will be lost when the crafting (editing) begins.

In school, so long ago I barely remember it, I wanted to use important words, write at a more scholarly level. In March of 2006, I began taking online classes and writing whenever I wanted, which was nearly every day. I discovered I prefer to write simple words that become phrases anyone can read, immediately understand, and more importantly, feel. My writing mission statement written in an August class:

To convey and evoke emotions in a manner that will give my readers unspoken permission to feel; to act as a catalyst for their understanding (of self and others) and healing.

It seemed such a simple (and natural) statement then, it was totally me: the me I was, the me I wanted to be. It still is, but it also feels like responsibility weighing down my shoulders when I read between the lines.


1st - Seattle Seahawks vs. Chicago Bears

2nd - Create my office

because today is the day.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you write as you feel- that is very powerful.

I've been thinking a bit about procrastination myself lately. It's something that's so easy to get wrapped up in and become paralyzed by the effects.

Very thought-provoking post...thank you for sharing.

Raggedy said...

Your mission statement was excellent!
Have fun creating your office.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Shelby said...

have a great office preparedness day! :)