
Just me and the laptop -- not

In 45 minutes I have to put up the computer and leave it off for 24 hours. . . I took the challenge. Leon was going to blog tonight, but he worked late, took me to dinner as promised, but we had to drive farther, the parking lot in town was packed. Came home, he realized he had missed half his program. . . and that's the last I saw of him until he came upstairs and immediately fell sound asleep. So, I leave you these links instead:

Shutdown Day. . . well, except he already shut down for his 24 hours. . .

RV-Dreams . . . Thought about RVing? This couple is NOT old as the hills. . . Offer info on full timing and even include a detailed budget for the curious.

Kind Blog . . . Wondering about the beautiful pink flowers showing up on blogs?

Well, time got away from me. Enjoy your internet. . .